Vascular Conditions: Understanding the Treatment Options for Varicose Veins

If you have a mild case of varicose veins, you might not require medical treatment. In simple terms, if the affected veins are not causing significant pain and discomfort, you can manage the condition with home remedies and prevent the escalation through lifestyle changes. However, if your veins are painful, swollen, lumpy, bulging or twisted, you will need to consult a vascular surgeon for treatment. The goals of the medical therapies are easing the symptoms, treating complications and improving the appearance. Read More 

How physiotherapists help in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis

What is osteoporosis? Osteoporosis is a major health threat all over the world. According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, about 1 in 10 Australians aged above 50 have osteoporosis or osteopenia. This comes to about 720,000 people, going by Australian population figures in 2014/2015. Osteoporosis is a disorder characterised by increasingly porous and brittle bones, which increases the risk of fracture. Bones become so weak and fragile even a minor bump or accident can lead to a trauma fracture. Read More 

Could You Benefit from New Techniques at Your Orthodontist’s Office?

Few people are born with the promise of perfect dentition. As time goes by, some of their teeth may erupt in a slightly imperfect way and cause them to be out of line with their neighbours. Some people's teeth may grow incorrectly because of the absence of an adjoining tooth, which might have been removed due to decay. When you consider how challenging it may be to achieve that perfect smile, it's not surprising that people are increasingly keen to schedule a visit with an orthodontist. Read More 

Physio Tips When You Are Moving House

For many of us, day-to-day work no longer involves serious amounts of physical exertion. This can mean that the occasional calls to lift and move furniture when you are moving house can leave you vulnerable to physical injuries, including lower back pain, shoulder injuries and strains to the leg muscles. Here are some tips to help avoid injuries.  Stretch as much as possible If you don't have a lot of experience lifting, it is a good idea to start slowly by lifting lighter weights and getting the smaller boxes and pieces of furniture moved first. Read More 

3 Ways to Keep Your Eyes Safe at the Beach

If you're worried about your family getting eye damage from all the time they spend on digital screens, regular days out to the beach may sound like a good idea. While the beach is definitely a great, natural place to spend an afternoon, it comes with its own eye hazards that you need to watch out for. Here are 3 tips for keeping your family's eyes healthy by the seaside: Read More