Eye Care Emergencies to Familiarise Yourself With

You should take good care of your eyes. Depending on your current health state, you may not need to do much. Or, you might need to visit an eye care clinic periodically. Regardless, there are some eye-related emergencies everyone should be aware of.  Swelling Around Your Eye Sometimes swelling around your eye isn't due to an optical emergency. For example, you may experience it following a beauty treatment and it may resolve with over-the-counter drugs. Read More 

They’re For More Than Sickness: 4 Reasons To Visit Your Local Medical Clinic

If you're like most people, you think the only time you need a medical clinic is when you're sick. But, that's not the case. There are plenty of reasons to visit a medical clinic. You might not realise this, but medical clinics provide services for a variety of issues. Some of those services include health screenings, and nutritional advice. If you still don't think you need to visit a medical clinic, read the list provided below. Read More 

A Look into Onsite Work Health and Safety (WHS) Management Training for Leaders

A safe workplace typically means sound business. That is because health and safety training programmes are beneficial in many ways. For instance, they help reduce workplace injuries and accidents, boost workplace morale, enhance productivity, save money and enhance the organisation's safety culture, among other benefits. Typically, safety training is essential for both employees and leaders. However, managers, supervisors and other management leaders have a significant role in implementing work and health safety plans and practices. Read More