3 Ways to Keep Your Eyes Safe at the Beach

If you're worried about your family getting eye damage from all the time they spend on digital screens, regular days out to the beach may sound like a good idea. While the beach is definitely a great, natural place to spend an afternoon, it comes with its own eye hazards that you need to watch out for. Here are 3 tips for keeping your family's eyes healthy by the seaside: Read More 

4 Signs Your Pet Needs to Go to a Compounding Pharmacist

A compounding pharmacy is where the pharmacists custom-make medications on site. These pharmacies aren't just for humans; there are also compounding pharmacies for animals. Wondering if you should fill your pet's prescription at a compounding pharmacy? Here are a few signs you may want to consider it: 1. Your Pet Needs a Special Mixture of Medications In some cases, the vet may prescribe several different medications to your pet, and in order to administer those medications, you may want them to put the medications into a single pill or powder that you can easily put into their food. Read More 

How You Should Prepare for a Pre-Employment Medical Exam

If you've never been asked to undergo a pre-employment medical check, then you may be a little apprehensive. You may understand the need for your prospective employer to do this, but you're not sure what the examiner will be looking for and what will happen. How should you prepare and what should you expect on the day of the examination? Planning for the Exam Always allow plenty of time to travel to the facility, so that you arrive without any delay. Read More 

What to do after having a root canal performed

When you have a root canal, the endodontist removes infected pulp and tissue from the tooth canal. This is necessary when you have a deep infection in the tooth that is too deep for a standard filling. While this is a routine procedure, it helps to know what to expect if this will be your first time having it done. Here are some things to expect after you have the root canal performed. Read More