Time For A Change In Treatment? How To Tell When Your Child Needs Physiotherapy

When you have children, you worry about their well-being. When they're suffering from ailments, you want to make sure they recover properly. That's why it's important for you to know when physiotherapy should be part of the recovery process. You might not realise this, but physiotherapy can provide a number of benefits for your children. If you're not sure that your children need physiotherapy, read the list provided below. If any of your children are dealing with any of the issues described below, it's time to schedule physiotherapy treatment. Read More 

Everyday Conditions You Can Take to a Medical Centre

While many people know what conditions are appropriate for the emergency room or their GP, they're not always sure about attending a medical centre. Generally, a walk-in medical clinic can accommodate most urgent but non-life-threatening conditions. Here are some examples of everyday conditions you can take to your nearest centre. Ear Infections Whether you regularly suffer from swimmer's ear or you wake up to unexplained ear pain, a medical centre can address your ear infection. Read More 

Are Menopause Symptoms Taking a Toll on You? 4 Healthy Habits Your Gynaecologist Wants You to Develop to Manage Them

Menopause marks the end of a woman's reproductive cycle. As you age, the production of reproductive hormones changes, leading to symptoms such as hot flashes, low sex drive, depression, mental fog and weight gain. The ovaries, in particular, stop producing as much estrogen as they did earlier, which creates a hormonal imbalance that causes the symptoms.  A lot of women have a hard time dealing with menopause symptoms. However, you can regulate symptoms by visiting a gynaecologist regularly. Read More 

Top 3 Signs You Need to Treat Your Knee Injury Right Away

Have you injured your knee while walking, running, or participating in your favourite sport? Dealing with a knee injury can be challenging since your entire body relies on the legs to move from one place to another. Often, people choose to walk off their injuries and take over the counter medication to deal with the pain. Nonetheless, it's crucial to know when to try home remedies or seek knee injury treatment. Read More 

Obstetric Care When You Have Type 2 Diabetes

When you have type 2 diabetes and discover you are pregnant, you may wish to consider the benefits of seeing an obstetrician. There are a number of additional care considerations to take into account when you are pregnant while having a chronic medical condition, and although having diabetes does not necessarily mean you'll have a difficult pregnancy or birth, seeing a specialist will afford you more concentrated care during your pregnancy. Read More