How to select the right equipment for your dental office

One of the significant decisions that you will ever make when you begin your dental practice or upgrade the dental equipment in your office is selecting the right equipment. If you have worked in a dental office before, the decision is even more difficult because you are likely to purchase the equipment that the previous office had, without analysing the specific needs of your office. As a dentist, you always have to shake off the reality that your office is one of the most feared doctor's offices. Read More 

4 Tips to Help You Quit Smoking with Hypnotherapy

It's common knowledge that nicotine is a highly addictive substance, which is one of the big reasons people struggle to quit smoking. Some people try for years to give up the habit, only to fail each time and be left with less confidence in the next attempt. For many people attempting to put smoking behind them, summoning the willpower to stick with it is just too difficult. That's why hypnotherapy can be such a useful way to get some extra help, and it's often highly effective at finally getting smokers to become ex-smokers. Read More 

Two Ways to Reduce Arthritis Pain

If you suffer from arthritis and are finding the pain hard to bear, here are two steps you can take to lower your pain levels. Do some low-impact exercise If your joints are stiff, sore and aching as a result of your arthritis, the last thing you probably want to do is exercise. However, whilst it might seem counterintuitive, certain types of exercise can actually reduce the pain caused by this health condition. Read More 

The new test to screen for cervical cancer

Changes to the National Cervical Screening Program have rolled out across Australia, but many women have been left unsure of the details. For most women the time between cervical screening has increased from 2 years to 5 years, leaving women worrying about why they're being screened less frequently. To understand why the recommended screening times have changed, you need to understand exactly what the test is and why it's an improvement on the old Pap smear. Read More 

Hypotension: Understanding The Causes, Symptoms And Treatment Approach

Hypotension, commonly referred to as low blood pressure, may sound desirable when you consider the risks associated with high blood pressure, such as heart disease and stroke. However, low blood pressure can cause a number of undesirable symptoms and can even be life-threatening if it's consistently severely low, as your organs won't receive an adequate supply of blood to function effectively. Here's an overview of the causes, symptoms and treatment approach for hypotension: Read More